Expert and analytical methods for evaluating electronic educational tools

I. Experimental methods of evaluation.
Electronic publication is subject to approbation through its real use in the educational process, demonstration and discussion of the main qualitative characteristics of the developed tools at conferences, seminars, exhibitions, presentations and other public events. To approve educational electronic publications, an experimental group of students is formed consisting of students with different academic performance. There may be several such groups.
Before using the electronic resource directly in the learning process carry out preparation of students in order to familiarize them with the subject matter of the used resource, familiarization with the handouts. Then there is a lesson with using the resource in strict accordance with the methodological instructions and recommendations that accompany a particular didactic tool.
As students work with the resource, the progress and effectiveness of of assimilation of the teaching material, students’ questions, failures and problems are recorded. Interaction with other means of informatization of education. After the end of the at the end of the lesson the answers, positive and negative characteristics of the resource are clarified during group discussion. As a rule, validation sessions are held in the presence of teachers, developers, experts, and professionals involved in the development of the class tools. At the final stage of approbation the experts should analyze all questions and complaints of the trainees that arose during their work with the resource.
The results of the analysis of the approbation process and the identified specifics of the of the tool in the conditions of the real learning process are sent to the specialists of the enterprise-developer to The results of the analysis of the approbation process and the identified specifics of the tool in the real learning process are sent to the specialists of the developer for taking measures to improve the resource.
The process of approbation and subsequent improvement of the resource is iterative, cyclical in nature and continues until the tool fully meets the quality requirements.

II. Expert methods of evaluation.
The expert method (expertise) consists of using the competent opinion of the majority of experts (specialists) who know the field and have the scientific and practical capacity to make a decision (this is why this method is sometimes called a rating or subjective method).
In the last decade, expert rating methods have received increasing attention. Nevertheless, expert quality assessment does not provide complete guarantees against errors and contradictions in the opinions of different experts.

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